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¿Justin Bieber con pelo co**o o largo?

¿ Pelo co**o o largo? ♥♥

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BJIhWYbxjWshFcDV 31-03-2012 19:59

bOZLek ioomqccrychc
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VbafcxeGuRywposFDs 29-03-2012 20:42

eCNfQV vhrzuzixywmx
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DotWitmC 29-03-2012 18:43

being a jonas brothers fan i itcrepaape that. and im not sure, i kno where your coming from, cuz i usually get made fun of too, but i learned to not give. just remeber that theres a reason you like them, and an eff you to people who judge you for it. music isnt everything, its just a thing of opinion. and if people dont like you, or judge you based on ur music preference, EFFFF THEM!;pwhy do they even care?!
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