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Destinado a cribar las canciones de la lista expuesta para el Tributo al Thrash N.A. de los 80/90 , el cual se grabara proximamente en Wolfpack Studio con bandas invitadas.
Megadeth: The Conjuring5 11.4%
METALLICA: Metal Militia5 11.4%
METALLICA: Eye of the Beholder4 9.1%
Annhilator: I am in command3 6.8%
Megadeth: Killing is my business...3 6.8%
SLAYER: Postmortem3 6.8%
Annhilator: Phantasmagoria2 4.5%
Megadeth: Bad Omen2 4.5%
TESTAMENT: Sins of Omission2 4.5%
ANTHRAX : Armed & Dangerous2 4.5%
Annihilator : WTYD1 2.3%
Annhilator: Human Insecticide1 2.3%
Exodus: A Lesson in Violence1 2.3%
Exodus: Metal Command1 2.3%
Exodus: Brain Dead1 2.3%
METALLICA: Leper Messiah1 2.3%
OVERKILL : Hello from the Gutter1 2.3%
OVERKILL : Shred1 2.3%
SLAYER: Evil has no boundaries1 2.3%
SLAYER: At dawn the sleep1 2.3%
DEATH ANGEL: Kill as One1 2.3%
DEATH ANGEL: Seemingly Endless Time1 2.3%
DEATH ANGEL: Thrashers1 2.3%
Annhilator: Knight jumps Queen0 0%
Exodus: Seeds of Hate0 0%
Megadeth:5020 0%
Megadeth: Liar0 0%
METALLICA: Trapped under ice0 0%
METALLICA: Escape0 0%
NUCLEAR ASSAULT : Betrayal0 0%
NUCLEAR ASSAULT : After the Holocaust0 0%
NUCLEAR ASSAULT : Critical Mass0 0%
NUCLEAR ASSAULT : Price of freedom0 0%
OVERKILL : Raise the dead0 0%
OVERKILL : Rotten to the core0 0%
OVERKILL : Electro-Violence0 0%
SLAYER: Show no mercy0 0%
SLAYER: Necrophobic0 0%
TESTAMENT: The haunting0 0%
TESTAMENT: Trial by fire0 0%
TESTAMENT: A day of Reckoning0 0%
ANTHRAX : I am the law0 0%
ANTHRAX : Death Rider0 0%
ANTHRAX :Soldiers of Metal0 0%
FLOTSAM & JETSAM : She Took an axe0 0%
FLOTSAM & JETSAM : N.E terror0 0%
DEATH ANGEL: Bored0 0%
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