"Tu Votación" is an online voting site, that allows to create a poll easily and share it with other people to know their opinion.
"Tu Votación" allows you to create polls with three types of options:
You can share your poll easily on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious or Meneame using the buttons on the top right of your poll.
With that buttons you will be able to post a link to your poll in each of those sites and you will get a lot more people to visit and vote at your poll.
Yes. "Tu Votación" allows inserting text polls directly in other websites or blogs, so your visitors can vote directly from there without having to change sites.
To insert a poll, you must enter your poll and click the "Insert" link at the top right of the poll. Following that link you will be able to set up the size of the poll widget and see how it would look at your site. After doing that, you just have to copy the code that appears on that page and paste it on your website or blog code.
To vote by SMS in a certain poll, you must click in the button "Vote by SMS" near the option you want to vote. Doing so, all necessary information to vote by SMS will appear on screen.
The process is quite simple:
1 - You must send a keyword to a short number using your cell phone, according to the information on screen.
2 - As a response to your message, you will receive a code at your cell phone, made by 8 letters and numbers. Example: MTP34F98
3 - You must enter that received code in the empty text field at the right of the instructions and press "Vote" button.
4 - Your vote is automatically registered in the selected option.
To prevent fraud in the polls, only one vote per person is allowed on each poll. To achieve this, we use the user name (if logged in), the IP of the visitor, and information is also stored in user's computer to know which polls they already voted on.
While creating a poll, you can require users to be registered in the site, adding an additional security level.
If you need to prevent any fraud possibility, you can also create a poll where only SMS votes are accepted. Voting by SMS only, you achieve 100% trustable polls, where no fraud techniques are possible.
You must send an e-mail to info@tuvotacion.com telling the name of the poll, the option that is using your name and image, and attach a scanned document that prooves that you are the one being shown in the poll. Once the e-mail and document are received, we will check it and remove the option or poll as soon as possible.