★La bala ★Gibby ★Natalypop
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Super Junior - SORRY, SORRY is winning
BTS is winning
MISS VENEZUELA - Maria Isler is winning
Una fea,lo siento tinistas u.u:Martina Stoessel is winning
MILCABEZAS - Festival de Rock la Escena Virtual 2017 is winning
leon is winning
LA SUISSE, Francophonie Universidad del Atlántico. is winning
Javier Bertucci is winning
MISTER LARA is winning
The Edge Of Glory - The Artist 2014 - English College - Rafael Valle Meza School is winning
voten a jetix si quieren que vuelva!! is winning
Su número is winning
Michael Jackson Thriller HD is winning
PRD is winning
A mi me parece que este niño solo se burla de las canciones de artistas famosos y si quiere ser famoso que haga sus propias canciones en vez de ha...
Si is winning
ALIANZA ROJA is winning
? is winning
Mariana López & Magaby Garay is winning
Este torneo consistirá en tres vÃdeos que serán Semifinales, quien gane las votaciones en su respectivos vÃdeos llegará a la Final. La Final s...
ARGENTINA is winning
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