By: Jeny Lynch Crow Ratiff "Si te gusta R5 vota! (esto es lo k cada integrante de la banda hace)"
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R5 - Smile (Official Video) is winning
R5 - Pass Me By (Official Video) is winning
Yeah, my band call "R5" in this band are my brothers:Ross,Riker,Ratliff and Rocky and my young brother Ryland.I love me's sisters Rebecca, Marle,...
Who is R5 for you? is winning
ByJeny LynchRfamily 21-02-2015 07:53
Mary 16-02-2015 14:23
GRUPORFAMILY 12-02-2015 15:38
Forgot my password
ByJeny LynchRfamily 21-02-2015 07:53
Mary 16-02-2015 14:23
pero oye, Rocky toca la guitarra electrica no el bajo..
GRUPORFAMILY 12-02-2015 15:38